Asymmetry is underrated.


Written 55-J28 [2024-04-26], Edited 55-J28 [2024-04-26]

Bald Man Twemoji Image credit: Twitter Twemoji

“He-LLO Timothy!” Said the bald man. I had only been in the room for a second, but the bald man was already standing up and grinning from ear to ear. His brown-haired compatriot nodded without saying anything.

“I’m Benjamin,” the bald man said. He was still smiling, indeed he seemed to speak without changing the shape of his lips. “It’s so great to see you! Welcome! Also, this is Geoffrey,” Benjamin continued, indicating the brown-haired man.

“Hi,” said Geoffrey.

“Why don’t you take a seat?” Asked Benjamin rhetorically. But I didn’t take a seat.

“Um, you can sit down?” Benjamin said.

“I’m good with standing,” I said.

“Any particular reason?” Benjamin asked. He was still smiling through all this.

“Oh just an ancient curse,” I said.

“Haha! Of course!” Benjamin said. “How many interviews have we had with people in that situation, Geoffrey?”

“Only 2 and a half,” said Geoffrey.

“Yes, shame how that half interview ended. Anyway, let’s start by telling you about our company. What do you know?” Asked Benjamin.

“You specialize in paranormal IT support.”

Feedback from The Joy of Writing Group


This was written in 15 minutes during a Joy of Writing meetup.


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