Asymmetry is underrated.


Written 55-C20 [2023-10-04], Edited 55-C20 [2023-10-04]

Railway Twemoji Image credit: Twitter Twemoji

To wake or sleep.

To drink or thirst.

To eat or hunger.

To swallow carbs or protein.

To work or play.

To read or write.

To make noise or silence.

To weep or laugh.

To feel heated anger or cold indifference.

To look within or beyond.

To stand or sit.

To open or to close.

To descend or ascend.

To walk left or right.

To walk right or left.

To pay by debit or credit.

To use stairs or escalators.

To stand on the northbound platform or the southbound platform.

To wait or act.

To mind the gap or jump on the tracks.

To be crushed or be electrocuted.

To die or live.


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