

blom-article can add an article to the database or edit an existing article in the database.


blom-article -c [class] -d [database] -g [tag] -m [file] -t [title] -u [url] -p [published]


All options are optional, except when stated otherwise.

-c class CSS class to apply to the entire article.
-d database blom.db SQLite database. Required.
-g tag Tag to categorize article. This option can be used multiple times to apply multiple tags. Tags may not contain whitespace. Required for a new article.
-m file A file containing article content in markdown format. Required for a new article.
-t title Article title. Required for a new article.
-u url Article url relative to the site root. Required.
-p published Publish time as a number of seconds in the Unix Epoch. Not used for existing article.