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I walked along Eglinton and happened upon two homeless people sitting on the side of the road. I gave a toonie to the woman on the right.
“Thank you, Nils Sebastian Memphis the third,” said the woman.
“What?” I said. “How’d you know my name?”
“Bah,” said the homeless man on the left. “That’s what she calls everyone.”
I gave the man a toonie as well.
The station was crowded and more pungent than usual. I realized that the train was not moving. But what if it starts moving right after I step into an Uber? I thought. So I decided to sit in the train and wait.
After finding a relatively unstained red seat, I noticed a man handing out pamphlets for a church or whatever. But I blinked and he suddenly disappeared!
How in the world? I thought. Then I realized my head was leaning against a window, drool was dripping from my mouth and the train was moving.
Damn sleep deprivation I thought.
This was written in 15 minutes during a Joy of Writing meetup.