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As I looked around my apartment, I thought about how late I was.

I was always late. I woke late, I worked late, and after work I travelled late. Why was I always so late? It was always something different, always some other excuse. Some code review at work lasted too long, or some kind of system needed just one more minute of debugging. It was never really just one more minute, but I always held that false hope, that this time the first idea would work without a hitch.

Today I finished my work early, and was ready to leave the house. I’ll finally arrive early! I thought. That’ll show them! But I realized I was missing some important cargo: my library book.

My library book for the book club didn’t really matter, but I wanted to read it on the subway. After all, I had finished my SWIT early for once, I had time to read on the train. But I couldn’t find the damn book, where could it be?

Not on the table, not the couch, not on the desk, not under my bedsheets. Thank goodness, that would have been quite gross in an oddly fitting way, but also, um where’s the book?

Turns out it was in my bag all along. I was late for nothing


This was written in 10 minutes during a Joy of Writing meeting.

“SWIT” is an acronym used by the Joy of Writing group. “SWIT” means either “Suggested Writing Independent Topic” or “Something Which I Thunk”. One justification given for using the term “SWIT” is that “homework sounds so lame at our age”.

Feedback from The Joy of Writing group